JavaScript Comments for Beginners

Posted on : 2023-12-20
JavaScript Comments for Beginners


When you start learning JavaScript, you'll quickly find yourself writing lines and lines of code. But what happens when you want to add a little note or explanation to your code? That's where comments come in! Let's take a look at what JavaScript comments are and how they can be your secret weapon as a budding coder.

What Are Comments?

In the world of programming, comments are like little messages you leave for yourself or other developers in your code. The computer ignores them, so they won't affect how your program runs. Think of comments as sticky notes for humans!

Single-Line Comments

The simplest type of comment in JavaScript is the single-line comment. It's like a quick side note that takes up just one line. To write a single-line comment, you can use two forward slashes (//):

// This is a single-line comment
let myNumber = 42; // You can also put comments at the end of a line of code

Anything after // on that line won't be treated as code by the computer. It's your own personal space to jot down reminders or explanations.

Multi-Line Comments

Sometimes, a single line isn't enough. That's when you can use multi-line comments, which allow you to add comments spanning multiple lines. They start with /* and end with */:

  This is a multi-line comment.
  You can write as much as you want here!
let myText = "Hello, World!";

This is handy when you need to explain a larger chunk of code or temporarily "turn off" a section for testing without deleting it.

Why Use Comments?

Comments might seem like an extra step, but they're incredibly useful for a few reasons:

  1. Documentation: Comments help you and others understand what your code does. It's like leaving breadcrumbs for anyone who reads your code later.

  2. Debugging: When you encounter an issue in your code, comments can be a lifesaver. You can use them to temporarily remove or "comment out" sections of your code to identify the problem.

  3. Communication: If you're working in a team, comments become a crucial tool for communication. They allow team members to understand your thinking, making collaboration smoother.